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how it works

Engineered for the perfect month.

At Sterling Social Marketing, we take a detailed, cyclical, and understandable approach to Social Media Marketing which repeats monthly, focused on your core business objectives.

#1 Choose a Monthly Objective

Each month begins with selecting up to two business objectives.


These objectives define advertising and monthly posts, which are then reported on at months end.


These foundational business objectives are crucial to our ability to produce results for you online.


We will consult with you to identify core objectives and make the most of your online presence to strengthen your business.

increase sales

grow awareness

customer service

customer acqusition


#2 Objective-Based Ads & Posts

Once you've chosen up to two core business objectives, we will go to work for you. This means utilizing your chosen plan and implementing advertising and posting strategies across your chosen Social Media platforms.


Questions? Don't worry, we'll discuss where your business will perform best online prior to your selecting a monthly service plan.


These objective-based ads & posts will gather important information, and help better your business. This information will be presented at the end of the month in easy to understand reports.


#3 Incredible Monthly Digital Reporting

At the end of our cyclical process, at month's end, we review and report.


Our reports are visual, understandable, easy on the mind, and eyes. We focus on key metrics that connect with your chosen business objectives. We aim to be as clear, and concise as possible.


These reports will allow you to see exactly what kind of impact we made, or didn't make. Our reporting allows us to prove our efforts, or to recalculate to find greater success.


These reports tell-all, we leave nothing out. It's up to you to decide where you are taking your business. Remember, while we will consult and make recommendations, we serve as an extension of yourself, not a replacement.


If at any time we don't make your cut, there's no termination fee & no hard feelings.


Part of Your Team

In all we do at Sterling Social Marketing, we desire most to be a valued member of your team.


We will stand in your corner to lift your business above a mediocre, or less than perfect social media presence.


To us, business is personal. It's about relationships.

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